The latest trend on Instagram is Detox water, and it’s everywhere. So what’s behind this movement? Is it a real alternative to sugary drinks and sodas? Spotlight on this so-called “miracle” water.
What is Detox water?
The recipe is simple: water, fruit, vegetables, herbs, spices… and that’s it! The promise, however, is a big one. Effectively, it eliminates toxins from the body and provides vitamins and freshness. Detox is a gentle way of allowing the body to release its toxins and thus improve the metabolic process.
Fake water, or not?
We are not sure that this water keeps all its promises! It depends mainly on the type of fruit and vegetables added, as not all have the same properties. But Detox water does have the benefit of flavouring the water, with no added calories, and promoting good hydration! It’s also interesting for children, as water with lots of funny bits in it is immediately better! And then… all these colourful bottles are very pretty!
Customise your detox water!
Detox water has endless freedom and choice of fruit combinations. Local or exotic fruit? Citrus? Red fruit? It’s up to you. Create new flavour combinations and never get bored. Lemon or watermelon are very interesting because they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
Our Detox water recipe
During summer, who doesn’t want to enjoy a Mojito with friends on the terrace? The only drawback is that this delicious cocktail (always to be consumed in moderation) is very high in calories because it is very sweet. The Detox Water Mojito is therefore the healthy and delicious alternative that will also maintain your figure!
To make your “Detox Water Mojito”:
A jar to hold your water
Fresh water
Ice cubes
1 lime
Mint leaves
1 Granny Smith apple
Pineapple slices and/or 1 passion fruit
The drink should be kept in the fridge. Within half an hour, the fruit will have flavoured your water.
Beautysané +? Add a teaspoon of Energy Detox, our draining-action drink made of green tea, peppermint, dandelion and ginger!
What’s your favourite Detox water recipe?