The return of cold weather and its trail of viruses, an unprecedented epidemic situation … it is time, more than ever, to boost our immunity!
The solution to strengthening our body can also be found in our diet, with foods that are particularly rich in vitamins and minerals. When consumed on a daily basis, they help us to fight against infections. Here are the Top 8.
Citrus fruits
Rich in vitamin C, they are our daily allies! Let’s do an orange cure (raw, squeezed or in a salad), or clementines, mandarins, grapefruits and lemons. The vitamin C they contain has antioxidant properties that will help us fight and eliminate germs. Form and energy guaranteed all winter long!
Oily fish
Vitamin D provides optimal support for our immune system! Oily fish is a good source of vitamin D and is also rich in Omega 3. Salmon, sardines, mackerel or even herring, let’s not hesitate to add them to our weekly menus and to add aromatic herbs or spices to vary the flavours.
Whole grains
Our best defence is offence! Do not ignore whole grains (wholemeal bread, brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, oatmeal, etc.) and pulses (lentils, split peas, dried beans, etc.). Rich in vitamin B and zinc, they provide us with micronutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of our immune system.
Green tea
Thanks to its draining and diuretic properties, green tea is the best companion for our winter cocooning breaks! It can help strengthen our natural defences, hydrate us and facilitate the elimination of toxins. Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, it also boosts our energy and protects our health. Our wellbeing tip: add a teaspoon of honey, known for its anti-bacterial properties.
A real anti-virus barrier, garlic is the ingredient we need! Season your dishes and salads with raw garlic to make the most of all its benefits. Your breath may not say thank you… but your body will.
Vitality can sometimes be found on an iodised plate. Rich in zinc, oysters give our body greater resistance in fighting infections. Crayfish, crabs, whelks, clams … there’s plenty to choose from and it’s a good excuse to treat yourself to that seafood platter you’ve been craving!
Dark chocolate
Are you a chocolate addict? So are we … Good news: you can be tempted without feeling bad about it. Rich in magnesium, it is excellent for our immune system and also a perfect stress reliever. A square of dark chocolate to finish the meal, no need to hesitate!
Say yes to probiotic food. The live micro-organisms it contains have a positive impact on our health. These are yeasts and friendly bacteria that will colonise the digestive system and counteract harmful bacteria. Fermented foods (yoghurt, kefir, sourdough bread, fermented milk, sauerkraut, etc.) are rich in probiotics and therefore particularly useful for strengthening the immune system.
Need a helping hand?
If you suffer from recurring infections, take the Immunity* food supplement! Its exclusive formula, composed of lactic cultures, vitamins, minerals and plants including Echinacea* (used by North American Indians) supports the body’s defences.
Last tip: drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 litre per day. This will help to protect your body from damage over the long term.